Sunday, August 31, 2008
The one with got an award
Rules of this award are :
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
I am awarding this to:
Mec - for being passionate on motherhood
Jacq - for being my "idol" in, i can only look and admire at the LOs. haha.
Wella - for the comical antics
Concon - for being my soul sister
Saturday, August 30, 2008
The one with 18 months
~ She can take a picture of herself using a celphone cam. haha. she would get our phones and position it like when we're taking a picture of ourselves and count, "nyan, twu, dyi" and pose. :)
~ I could'nt track all her vocabulary already. More words keep coming out of her mouth everyday, amusing!
~ She has an admirable knack of imitating other people's actions and words. Do something and she will imitate it quickly. She may not exactly do the exact thing but she's aware of the concept. cool noh?
~ She still signs, she knows almost all the signs in the video. All her grannies and aunts/uncles are just so amazed everytime she signs. But the thing is, she does'nt do it when you asked her to. She only does it when it's needed which is the objective actually. But sometimes, I can make her do her show with her signing. haha.
~ She's talkative. She loves to talk to Barney, Elmo and her Ernie.
~ She's so malambing. She does the "muah" action where she kisses you or flies you a kiss with the sound "muah". When she hugs mommy, she has to hug daddy after and if ate maru is around as well, she has to hug ate maru also. Nobody taught her that. It's an instinct to her that she needs to give equal love to all of us. haha.
~ She counts already like this.. "nyan....five!" hahaha. she jumps two to four! Pero with signing yan ha, as in one with index finger pointed up and then five with five fingers up. cute!
~ She made a game which we name, "Where's the ball?" I dont know how she came up with this as again, no one taught her but she would hide a ball at her back with her two hands and ask us, "Whe-dya-bawl?" and after a while, she will show both her hands with the ball on one hand and will shout, "Dye-dya-bawl!" kulit noh! pero inglesera in fairness. haha.
~ She has mastered the shape sorter toy. she already knows shapes but it has to be me pointing her where to insert the shape and she will figure out how to.
~ She still loves books!
~ She already knows the concept of "babying somone" like when we ask her to put elmo to sleep, she will get a pillow, lay elmo there and touch elmo's head just like how we do it on her when we put her to sleep. haha.
~ She still loves daddy's keyboard and her love for music grows more evidently now.
~ Her attention span has grown to a full-movie length.
~ She already knows that she is an achie to Justin. And they are always excited when they see each other.
~ She has fourteen teeth already!
~ She does'nt use her bath tub anymore, she takes a bath while standing. Something that we should have done a long time ago. hehe.
~ We still have'nt started with the poopy training...i don't know how to start.
Keep on growing baby...we love you!
The one with before this month ends
But my friends gave me a semi-surprise gimmick. semi-surprise because we manage to do it every year to all of us but surprised since i was still surprised and touched with the gesture. super sweet talaga! Naan even managed to provide lootbags for us. haha. kakaiba! And as usual, my inbox was full with all the birthday messages. thanks to those who remembered. muah!
I was in constant denial about Naan and Jason leaving for China. For months, they've been waiting for the processing to be done and whilst waiting, we were all trying to shoo the idea of them being away for a long time or that China is just in Asia, it's so easy to go there when we want to see them. (if we have the moolah, haha) And when they finally announced the date of their departure, I could'nt believe that they are really leaving us. Of course I'm happy because I know that God intends this wonderful opportunity for them but sad because they're just far away from us. For seventeen years, the farthest distance that we have been apart is a two-minute walk and a buzz in their doorbell. When I moved to another place, the distance became a 15-minute drive. That's it! And it has always comforted me that all my friends are just within my comfort zone, that anytime i want to see them and be with them, we can always do so. But China?! Oh well, at least there's January to look forward to when they come home again for the holidays. I miss them so much! I miss Naan's effortless moves of her antics and jokes. Winner! She's the comic type that when she's not trying so hard to be funny and just be herself, we all laugh at her perfectly-timed lines but when she makes an effort to be funny, she becomes corny and we still laugh hard because of how corny she was. haha. We love you guys!
More stories to tell...Oh and let me be the first to greet... "Merry Christmas!"
Friday, August 29, 2008
The one with just because
And just last night, I was saddened seeing on the news about a child hit by a truck and immediately lost his life. His parents could'nt afford a lawyer to give justice to the loss of their child, simply because they don't have the money to pay for one. It 's sad to see street kids begging for money and their parents can't provide decent food for them. it makes you count your blessings more but at the same time leave a guilty feeling of why i can't help all of them. Your resources are just enough, you can only do this much.
But after seeing the movie Pay It Forward last night starred by Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt and the A.I. boy, i know it is still help and exponentially bless people. The movie is about a boy who had the idea of helping someone ( a stranger perhaps) but the help should be something big, something he or she can't do on his own and ask the one he helped to "Pay it forward" and do it to three more. I think if we all live a "pay it forward" life, all of us sooner or later will achieve exponentially blessed life. :) So, who do i choose for my Pay It Forward? I'll let you know.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The one with the juggler
Then came the events last weekend. I was so tired but I had a lot of fun. For a full account of the story, you can read here. Thank you rina, mark, janice and glen!
Aside from these, i had to submit my assignments in the abstracting thingy. I think I'd soon give this up. Seriously, I can't get the hang of it and it's taking so much time from me. I was used with paid blogging that I get paid while I write things I like which is so much fun anyway. But we'll see.
I got pimples from all the sleepless nights i had which i thought would lead to acne but thank God, it did'nt. But you know, I love the pressure! It will always keep me alive. I saw this image from Jenny's site and it's so like any mom I know. haha, the juggler of a family.

The one with tagged by Cee

Moms Who Played Along: Mai / Yen /Eds / Vannie / Fun.Fierce.Fab / Bojoy / bonz / Pinaymama / Sheng / Carol / Cee / Jacque / You
Preggy Facts:
1. Who did you first inform about your pregnancy and how? My Husband of course. I bought a glass pacifier and wrapped the pregnancy kit as a present for him.
2. Maximum weight? 165 lbs! as in!
3. Cravings? Sinigang, arroz caldo, and suha
4. Aversions? none. the husband is a lucky one.
5. Morning Sickness? None too!
D Day Facts:
1. Number of Kids/Deliveries? One
2. NSD or CS? CS
3. Girl or Boy? girl, cutie!
4. AOG (age of gestation) on Birth? 38 weeks
5. How long in labor? 12 hours
Share your pregnancy and birthing stories Con, Jenny, Mec, Marshi, and Rhea?
The one with why do we need friends
Why do we need friends?

1. Everyday Life 2. Words of Love 3. Sheng's Simple Thoughts . . . 4. Insights from the Grocery Cart 5. Once In a Lifetime 6. Jacque 7. Your turn my friend
I'm tagging all my friends! parang friendship week ha. hehe
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The one with buzz
What I asked for my birthday? Hmmm, nada! hehe, really! i did'nt ask for a new cellphone nor a digicam although i've thrown some hints before but realized that the budget won't allow us yet. I did'nt want another phone since I'm not the type. I mean, I don't even know how to resolve locked units to become unlocked cell phones, much more to dilly dally on the features and other wow factors any phone can have. I realized that I just wanted to be with my family, just bum and be a couch potato and never mind the emails and backlogs i have to attend to. okay, i might have done some work, harhar. (one client even went to the hotel to meet me regarding their event, haha) but it was still time well spent with my family.
More news to follow.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
The one with God's little angel
About three weeks ago, I thought about Hannah again and thought of visiting her site and found out that she's soon celebrating her first birthday. While looking at her pictures, I felt a strong need to email her mother but without anything in particular to say. As i was starting my letter, i realized that the reason why i wanted to email her was because I wanted to do Hannah's balloons for her party. I told her that it's the only thing i can give for her birthday. The following day, Joan (Hannah's mom) emailed me back with words of appreciation and thank yous. She could'nt believe how God was so perfect in timing. She read my message right after she prayed to God and cried because she wanted to give Hannah a party because she deserves to have one but could'nt manage to do so or at least start preparing for one. And my email, (not because of the balloons) was an assurance to her that God will provide for everything else and that she does'nt have to worry about anything. When I read her email, I was so happy and felt that God was there and He really uses strangers to touch each other's lives. I have been touched and humbled of how this family sees life as zestful as it should be. And it's just so contagious...
We went on with the party plans and exchanged a few emails prior to Hannah's party. On her birthday celebration, everything started on the wrong foot. We were all late, we got stuck in traffic, it rained really hard, it flooded, there was no electricity when we went to their house, hence, i was not able to start with the decors immediately. When the electricity's back, i only had thirty minutes to dress up their house. But God is good, my sister-in-law (Jane) and I managed to do three panels of floating balloons and lots of flower wall decors. we were able to put up the tarpaulin and set up their buffet table with the desserts. It was indeed a photo finish but everything's great!
I have'nt seen Hannah yet but I knew she'd go out of her room and meet her guests for a while. When she went down, I was so full of joy seeing her. She was in her red plain dress and she was soo pretty. I felt like I've known them for a long time already. And when she kept on looking at the balloons and was amazed of the pink and purple colors that she loves, I could'nt help but I held my tears back. I said to myself, "dont be such a baby, dont cry" hahaha. I took a picture of them before they went out to the guests. And everyone was just following her wherever she went. She was more of a celebrity or a Hollywood star with paparazis all around. haha. When carlo started the party with a prayer, I could'nt help it but tears just fell. I can still remember his prayer and it was something like this, "Lord, I remember exactly a year ago, Hannah was intubated for the first time and I prayed to you and asked you that you extend her life para maalagaan pa namin sya...and we thank you that she has reached this far...thank you for Hannah's life, thank you that Hannah has made all of us bring closer to You"
I was'nt able to spend ample time talking with Joan, nor with Carlo because we were all busy. But we thanked each other for everything. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to meet them. They are Faith in Flesh. Everything they do is faith in action. Their lives are just inspiring (i think insipiring is an understatement) and i'll forever be blessed with Hannah's spirit. She is a warrior and an angel. I know she will grow up to be a wonderful child of God.
God touches strangers to bless people they don't know. He uses these situations to let us know that love still thrives, love is still around and that you can give love even to strangers. They were once strangers but now, they're my friends. I hope we, at one point or another, make it a point to bless other people and touch their lives. Pay it forward and it will all come back to you.
Pictures to follow, as usual. I'm just excited to tell of the wonderful news.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The one with I passed
And I'm just so happy that I passed the exam. It was like I was taken back to my senior high school year waiting for the results of my UPCAT. haha. But since it took them three days to reply, I totally forgot about it came Monday until my co-trainee asked me if i got an email already. haha. But i'm glad i got in already. Will probably start on thursday. wish me luck! This is another challenge which i'm kinda excited to do. Excited because I'd get to be paid while reading, haha. Challenging though coz i have to master my time management skills in order to balance mommy duties, wifey duties, and business matters. Oh but I love the pressure and the hectic schedules. My mom, as usual, could not keep up with me and will always text me to remind me to drink my vitamins and to relax a little as I'm becoming my restless self again. I don't know, this is what makes me alive. haha. if i don't do anything, i'd bloat. :)
So if you happen to be one of my co-trainees too and you passed already, drop me a note alright?! hehe.
The one with not as domesticated
I notice I'm not the type who makes so much time cleaning and can't sleep at night knowing that there's dust lying around. I mean, I keep a clean home but sometimes(yeah right, sometimes), I leave up everything to our househelp. I love looking for pieces that would fit our humble home but at the same time, budget will dictate otherwise and will end up not buying anything so i was never the "oh-lets-shop-for-another-shoe-cabinet" mommy or "i-saw-this-in-home-tv-shopping" attitude. But I love to be like that! I love to be hooked with being the domesticated type. I guess part of the reason why is because we still don't own the house we're living and we're so praying that we will. So when that time comes when we can decide on what our house would look like, whether it will need a purchase of some spider traps or it will be as spic and span as it can be, it will all depend on us. And hopefully, I'd contribute to the cleaning part. ;)
Friday, August 08, 2008
The one with catching up
anyhow, i met up with con and jeng last thursday for our monthly mommies night out. ayn was'nt able to join us because of work. It's always refreshing to spend time with other moms who can relate with you when you talk about what diaper to use and what kind of camera should we invest with and other stuffs that we don't usually talk to with other friends. and of course, the never-ending struggle on how to lose weight. for the first time, i actually felt fine listening on stories about diet pills and other tablets that claim on giving you a better bod. I'm still hesitant on using one but it's comforting to know that there are such that have natural ingredients and depending on the kind of activities that you make, there are tablets that can fit your lifestyle. Maybe I'll just start with Fitrum first. haha.
It's just that whenever I decide to lose weight again, dinner invitations, parties and occasions to eat and bulge up our bellies come up. Just last night, we had a very sumptuous thanksgiving dinner. We had so much fun. Popsie shared God's word first, then, each of us prayed and we sang songs. Then we ate to our hearts' content. yummy food! we had kare-kare, chicken of two viands, pansit malabon made everything from scratch, and eclairs and cream puffs for dessert. wow! i had three servings, i could'nt believe it. haha. Your appetite seems to just increase when you get together with friends and families and eating while socializing is such a good time. haha, did i just mention i'm on a diet?! more harhar.
oh well...i have more catching up to do on dieting.
Monday, August 04, 2008
The one with Cinderella fever
Honestly, was actually anticipating that Lea might not fit the role of cinderella, age-wise. But i was definitely found wrong. She fits cinderella just perfectly. i think that's one of the reasons why she's world-class, she's really a good actor. bravo! i love the orchestra. Since the husband is into music, i caught him a couple of times with smiles up to his ears because of the satisfaction and the amazement of hearing an orchestra live. He was simply blown away. I, on the other hand, was more into the script and the delivery of the lines, and of course the stage design. I loved their house, I loved the carriage, I wanted to use it to take me home. haha. Although I was not moved with the staircase design, it was not as grand as i expected it to be since major scenes in the play would have to be situated in the staircase. But overall, I loved the whole show. I loved the doubles, very well done, we really thought hard how and which part did she have the chance to change with her double. nicely done! I also loved the part where she changed from glamorous to rags and they used two doubles with different heights so the scene would execute a "diminishing glamour effect", you know the thing that you see when people transform from riches to rags, somehow they turn smaller and smaller, haha. I just loved the stepsisters, winner! and the fairy godmother with really huge you know, haha. of course, i dont have to tell you about the story, im sure we all know how it ended.
We went out with big smiles on our faces and bought a CD to take home more magical feeling with us. Congratulations to the production team for a job well done!
The one with the countdown
Participants: Me and Mine | Creative in Me | For the LOVE of Food | Little Peanut | Pea in a Podwalk on red |My Random Thoughts| kathycot | buhaymisis | when mom speaks | kathycot cooks |Jacque | your blog
Ten movies you’d watch over and over:
:: Friends, Notting Hill, 50 first dates. Home Alone. Beauty and the Beast. Miss Congeniality. Sleepless in Seattle. Affair to Remember. Stepmom.
Nine people you enjoy the company of:
:: The husband. Simone. Mom. Sisters in law. opposwim girls. Officemates. CWL sisters. Anne. Church friends (oopps, more than nice, haha)
Eight things you’re wearing:
:: Capri pants. black shirt. flip flops. watch. engagement ring. wedding ring. 2 undies. scrunchy
Seven things on your mind:
:: Sleep. Blog. Luau(for a client). flowers. give-aways (for a client). dinner. cinderella musical OST.
Six objects you touch every day:
:: Laptop. Cellphone. Planner. Bag. Wallet. Remote control. Spoon and fork (haha)
Five things you do everyday:
:: Motherhood duties. online activities. answer client calls and texts. play with simone. forever organize my things.
Four things that you see when you turn your head to the right:
:: My husband's keyboard. A window. A Tree outside the window. And dark clouds with rain.
Three of your favorite things that are red color:
:: my red shoes! my red celphone. favorite red earrings.
Two people who have influenced your life the most:
:: My mom and my husband.
:: Simone. She showed off and identified all the parts of her body and she learned a new one...her shoulders. :D
I'm tagging my CWL sisters. :) Thanks kathy, i enjoyed this
The one with shoe sizes
The never-ending obsession with shoes!
{Start Copy}
Post a picture of your latest shoe buy.
my mom's shoe size - 7
my size - 8
my sister's size - no sister
My mom used to be a 6. I used to be a 7 and now we're a full size bigger. haha. We used to share shoes before, but for some designs alone. We have different tastes for shoes.