Friday, June 27, 2008
The one with groggy
and i love serving them, so while restlessly waiting for the results of my mom's tests, i just decided to spend some time in the nursery area of TMC to view the cute babies and observe the new parents who are savoring each moment of their viewing time with their baby. So precious. I also prayed for those babies whom i saw have special needs, like the other baby who was in ICU and the other one with eyes covered by a bandage with reason i don't know. I know they'd bounce back soon. :)
I'm just glad that despite my groggy self a while ago, i managed to do some grocery shopping (a quick one) and did'nt forget any household item i needed to buy. yey! and my meeting was rescheduled. more yey! so i had the rest of the day to sleep and play with simone! another yey!
Have a great weekend ahead! I'm excited to do some decors for jovie's twins tomorrow
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The one with here she is now
Daddy, if you're seeing the pics now, please buy us a new cam!!! hahaha.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The one with celebrate with a cause
If any of you would like to celebrate your parties while helping others in need, why not give a smile to these 30 kids?!

I'm sure God will be pleased when we share our blessings. Please contact my good friend Jill for more information.
The one with moment of truth tag
Thanks Lilet for this tag :)
::: Start here:::
1. Sojourn2. Pinay Mom in Czech Republic3. See Me for what You Will 4. LAINY’S MUSINGS5. OUR JOURNEY TO FOREVER6. My Paperless Writings7. As The World Turns8. My Daily Discourse9.From This Side 10. Our Family Adventure!11. Shopaholic Ties the Knot12. FunFierceFabulous13. My Precious14. My Wonderful Life15. Winged Words16. D' Cooking Mudra17. Married and Happy About It18. My One Desire 19. We are Family 20. You're next
Are you deeply in love with your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend? If you do, let’s try how well you remember the moment of your life with him. But before you put yourself in the hot seat please read the rules of this tag first.
1. This tag should be pass on to your friends.
2. Visit the blog of the person you’ve got this tag.
3. Leave a comment on her/his tag post. Be sure to thank her/him for this tag.
4. Highlight and link all the list of people who accepted this tag by visiting their blog site.
5. There are 10 questions that you need to answer but you will be the one to write the 10th question for the next person you want to pass this tag. Here are the questions. Be honest with your answers.
Lets Start:
1. How did you meet your husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend?
At our church. One summer Youth camp of 1998 and we stayed up all night talking about a lot of things, from cartoons, to college, to hobbies, etc. after that, he asked my number from our common friend brian since he was shy to ask my number from me. haha.those were the days...
2. Where did you go on your first date?
Jollibee! He ordered Value meal C, burger and spaghetti. o diba?! tandang-tanda ko pa! we were just students e, so what can you expect?! pero til now, we still date at jollibee. bakit ba?! haha.3. When was your first intimate kiss?
After we watched Side A concert, sa terrace pa namin yun.
4. How many girlfriends/boyfriends he/she had in the past? Do you honestly know?
None. ako lang talaga. but he had 2 major crushes before me, as in puppy love ganun. :)5. What is his/her ethnicity?
His parents are Fil-Chi, so he has some chinese blood as well but physical looks don't indicate any trace. haha.6. What is his/her favorite food?
Sinigang, chicken, actually, kahit ano kasi masarap sya kumain e.7. What is he/she like if he/she is mad?
super quiet and deadma to the max tapos mamaya na pag di ko na rin pinansin, magpapapansin ulit.8. What are the things he/she did you thought is the most romantic thing he’d/she’d ever done?
9. Describe how he/you proposed to you.
It was christmas day of 2004. we went to eastwood and we ate at this chinese restaurant. we ate lang and then i thought he ordered some dumpling, yun pala ring na. :) he kept on going to the "restroom", yun pala kausap nya buong crew nun. haha. was so clueless as in. tapos when we went to the parking lot na, there were fireworks, as in sakto for us to have a view kasi nasa open parking kme. super sweet. pero hindi na sa kanya yung fireworks, haha, sa eastwood na yun.
10. What is he/she doing to calm you when you're mad?
Lambingin ako to the max. ako naman si nagpapalambing. hahaha.
I enjoyed answering! Hope you'll share your moments too, Rocks, Jeng, Lissa, and Sheryll.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The one with 16 months
Simone now 16 months is manifesting more on the verbal developments lately. Or i guess since she started walking which i considered her biggest motor skill milestone that she has achieved, i think it's time we take notice of her speech developments. haha.
~ One time, she was asked by a bank teller what her name is and she answered "bahhr-nyi" for barney. haha.
~ She now knows how to sign "diaper", "monkey", "hat", "bath", "cereal" and "baby". as in we use them when communicating with her which is actually cool.
~ She talks on the phone but we can't really understand her words. haha
~ She says "wawey" for flower. cute! i used to say "butata" for bulaklak.
~ She obeys instructions like "give this to mommy/daddy/ate maru/grandma", put your shoes back, get your crayons, pick up the ball, massage daddy, and other simple instructions. it's so cool coz she really knows how to do what we ask.
~ She so loves music. At the church, we always had to run after her coz she will always go to where all the musical inctruments are or get the microphone as if wanting to sing. cute!
~ She has this habit of getting your hand and put it on her tummy or head or wherever she wants you to scratch her. haha. she loves the kamot feel to make her sleep
~ She can now point where she feels pain. Like when she had a fever and she felt heavy, she put her hand on her head and when she's colicky, she'd put my hand on her tummy for a massage.
~ Her allergic rhinitis came back. So no powder for her again which is hard coz she perspires easily. Doctor prescribed Scott's emulsion for her to lessen infection that may cause her colds.
Yey! She's a big girl na!
The one with a typhoon weekend
Saturday morning, we prepared pansit for simone. I did'nt buy a cake anymore coz all of us just had a round of the virus and we all just recovered from our colds and cough so no sweets for a while. hehe. Happy 16th month simone!
Sunday the whole day, I had to attend to my event. It's a baptism for Baby Forbes and while typhoon Frank was at his height of winds and rain, i had to do balloons at acropolis. adventure! more stories here. Simon and I did'nt celebrate our monthsary muna outside, we just stayed at home and had a great family time.
It was still a weekend well spent. Happy birthday and happy monthsary!
Friday, June 20, 2008
The one with Eldar
It was part of simon's family day at the office. Perfect date na rin and since all expense-paid sya, including money to buy souvenirs and pasalubongs, what more can you ask for?! thank you FLG. we rode the space shuttle (nah! joke lang, i will never ride that journey-to-hell-coaster), flying fiesta, up, up and away, wheel of fate, watched rialto, swan lake, dodgem. we were'nt able to explore the water rides coz we were scared of catching colds. hehe. here are some pictures.

more pics at my multiply site.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The one with momhood tag

--------- START HERE -------------
1. Copy and paste this tag from "Start Here" to "End Here". (don't forget the image)
2. Place your blog's name with your URL at the end of the tag. If you have more that one blog, please add them too! Just make sure that you post this tag in all of your blogs.
3. Tag 5 blogs that is not yet in this post (just to avoid duplications ^_^ )
4. This is the twist... Go to the 5 blogs that you tagged and comment on any of their posts. Why? So that search engines can crawl to your site. ^_^
5. Return to the Momhood Moments blog and leave a comment saying that you joined the tag together with the URL of the tag.
I'll be checking on it and add you in the master list.Momhood Moments
Tags You List:1. Momhood Moments 2. Business Mars 3. Concealed Mind 4. 5. jacque
--------- END HERE -------------
I'm tagging mommies Mai, Con, Van, Rhea, and Marshi.
The one with PPBC 3
These are the questions for the 3rd edition:
1. What are the things your parents did that you would definitely still follow?
2. What are the things your parents did that you would do differently?
To answer the first question, I grew up with a family closely knit. My parents taught us to express our love to our siblings, hence, we are malambing to each other and we grew up knowing each other's secrets and all. We can stroll while holding hands and my brothers don't mind if i hug them in public. haha. Same with our parents, it has always been easy for me to open up with them and share my kilig moments with my crushes. So i'm sure to follow that. I love the communication line that we have among each other. I know that not many families have that.
On the other hand, Simon and I would want a more disciplinarian type of parenting. I guess, it would have to come from his side and not mine since he grew up from a chinese family. I admire the discipline my father in law taught his children. My parents are more of the democratic type. too democratic i guess that should you decide to do something that they don't agree and you still do it, you'd suffer the consequences. It's their way of us exercising our independence. It made a good effect on me but it was too risky for my younger brother who was so happy-go-lucky when he was still studying. Imagine my mom having to let him stop his schooling until he realized that he wanted to go back and get serious with life. What if my brother never realized that? What will my mom and dad do? It was way too risky. I admire them for that but at the same time, i know that God made us parents in order to train our children in the way they should go and part of that training is making sure that they travel the right roads.
The one with daddy's corner
My way, way better half
1. I've always believed that my husband is one of the, if not the nicest person i know. When I met him ten years back, i've always seen him as God's best. His relationship with God, his sensitivity, his sense of humor, and his gift of music all rolled into one. Can you ask for more?
2. I love how we jive. He's the child-like, I'm the serious type. When we got married, i remember our ate norene used to tell me, "simon does'nt even look like he's ready for marriage" haha. But he was. :) And seeing him now as a father, he embraced fatherhood as much as i have embraced motherhood.
3. I love how he is more mabait and patient with me that i'am with him. haha. selfish i know.
4. I love how he is close to his sisters and his lady friends. I mean, he's the type that can't flirt, he's just really malambing. And you know what they say..."How a man treats his mom and his sisters is how he will treat his wife."
5. His passion for music is a gift from God. I mean, I've seen him evolved from an aspiring musician to where he is now. And all i can say is that God is truly using his talent. And God is really bringing him to places where he's supposed to be. Working for a TV network was his greatest dream before and now it's a reality. So i wont be surprised if he'll be the next Ryan Cayabyab or Mel Villena or if God sends him to Hillsong church. yey! cool!
I love you beh! and thank you for the music that we share together entitled Marriage. :)
Started by Mitcheryosa
{Start Copy Here}
1) Copy from {Start Copy Here} to {End Copy Here}.
2) Blog ‘Brag’ about your husband - yes, the father of your child/ren. As I’ve said singles may also join by bragging about their own fathers, or even grandfathers. It doesn’t matter! Of course, Daddy bloggers themselves may also join, but you have to blog about your fathers and not about yourselves, deal? Okay. Good.
3) Add your blog in the master list below linking to the post that you just made. Or if you wish, do it as how I’ve done it in my other blog by adding a new page.
4) Leave your comment here and don’t forget to leave your link so you can be added on the masterlist. Yup. Here. Thanks!
5) Let’s not forget Peppermint Creative for the corner border I used for the badge.
1. When Silence Speaks 2. Everything About Deye 3. Etc Atbp4. Pinay Mommy Online5. Coffee Cup Princess 6. Garden of Moments 7. Aeirin’s Collection 8. Never Dainty 9. The Long Journey Of My Life 10. A Mother Of Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow 11. Everything That Has Breathe Praise The Lord 12. Can Of Thoughts 13. Anything And Everything In Between 14. No Place Like Home 15. Pinay WAHM16. Only In Silence 17. Bisdak Footprints18. Simply Me, Simple Life 19. Fun Fierce Fab 20. Confessions Of A Supermodel Wannabe 21. Embracing Health For Life 22. Jona Thinks23. Whatever Comers To Mind 24. BOTH SIDES NOW25. Why Babie?26. My Virtual Closet 27. My Views On My So Called Life 28. Sexy Momma29. Memoirs of May-san 30. A Pocketful of Happiness 31. jacque
And now, i'm tagging my CWL sistahs! wait, how do i put up the links of everyone else who's in the masterlist? i tried to copy it but it did'nt work. :(
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The one with what i love most about being a mom
12. While every other member of the family may be present around her, your baby will still go to you and cling to you as if she has'nt seen you for a long time. Nothing boosts my joy more when Simone approaches me to be carried even if her lolas and lolos are around.
11. When you go home from a hard day's work, your baby welcomes you with a "looks-like-never-seen-in-one-year-hug" and it literally shoos every inch of stress from you. I love it when simone hugs me as if i left for abroad or as if we have'nt seen each other for a long time, to think that i only left for a couple of hours.
10. While being there to witness all her first milestones, I was also there to witness her first bumps and bruises brought by her toddler energy level. And when all she could do is cry and hug me tight while mommy gives her comfort, i'm more comforted hearing her saying, "Mooommmyyy, Maaammmaaayyy" I feel like I'm better than a doctor on call. haha.
9. Knowing that we are our child's world holds true and same when we say that they are our world as well. Our lives suddenly changes, our plans for ourselves suddenly are redirected to all our focus and attention to our baby. No decision can be made without considering our child's welfare. You are suddenly taking steps out of your comfort zone. We decided that I be a Work-At-Home mom during Simone's first years -- a decision that never crossed my mind until i gave birth.
8. When you see her do and imitate what you do, it makes you proud that you are your child's first teacher. Everything that she will become is what you have taught her to be. When simone learned how to sign "pray" before she eats and whenever we ask her to, I know we're on the right track. On the other hand, she has learned to open the DVD using her Big toe, apparently, she saw it from me too. haha.
7. Being able to sleep tightly, i mean literally tightly since my husband is squeezing me on my left and simone on the other side, where the other side of the bed is so much vacant. haha. It makes me feel that i somehow provide security for them.
6. Being able to shop selflessly. And coming from me, this is a very good testimony. I surrendered my shopping addiction when simone was born. Suddenly, I found myself not shopping for myself and going home with new baby stuff and clothes for her, from which my husband will raise an eyebrow with.
5. While taking care of your baby is the most fulfilling thing to do, Simone holding my hands tight and kissing me like there's no tomorrow is my way of assuring myself that i'm doing the right thing. That way, my baby is taking care of me too.
4. Embracing motherhood has been a very blessed journey. God has given me confidence more. I was confident before, but now, i feel like "face me with the president, i can talk to her confidence". I enjoy the sense of maturity that comes along with motherhood.
3. I love that we are celebrating Mother's Day too!
2. I love the fact that whilst I thought I had high pain tolerance, giving birth with all the stitches was not a walk in the park. But you see, seeing that once little and fragile baby came out of you turning now as an active and not so little toddler, I'd always say this proudly: Everything was soo worth it!
1. And even if she grows up to be a lady with her own identity, own personality, I love that I'll always see a part of myself in her.
God is so good to have blessed mothers with the gift of a love that knows no boundaries. Although it may not be as unconditional as what He did for us, the miracle of life truly does a lot of miracles for us.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The one with family updates
~ My mom and I talked about when and if i want to have a second child since simone is growing up already and i also have to think of my OB's deadline for me. haha. Seriously, Simon and I have talked about it every now and then and we are on the same boat of not imagining another baby just yet. But of course, we welcome the blessing! It's just that we still can't imagine it now. ;)
~ We've moved up to the next level about the negotiations on the house we're renting now. We seriously want this already, although major renovations had to be made. But it will come. We've been exchanging emails with our godparents and we're also discussing about our options already. On the other hand, I'm more open as well to look into houses offered by real estate agents, those new ones and not the ones with foreclosure help. I've always been like this, I need to see all my choices before i can decide which one i like. Good for me, Simon does'nt mind. haha. So, pray pray pray that we'll soon acquire a house that is our own...all ours!
~ We've been bugged with viruses at home. I don't know who's the main source but we were all infected. Simone has a little sipon but i tried not giving her medicines first since i want to try alternatives on her like the calamansi, oranges and just vitamins. I think it worked but on a slower pace compared to that of medicines. My voice is still not back to its normal condition but i'm free of a bad cough already
~ We're going to Enchanted Kingdom on Saturday! Too bad though, we won't be bringing simone. we decided not to bring her coz it's an office outing, hence, too crowded for her. we will be riding on a bus and not a car and i just think that it'll be too much heat for her. I just hope we made the right decision of not bringing her. i'll miss her. Simon wanted the outing to be our date na rin kasi. haha. So we're bringing my SIL and her boyfriend instead. Yey!
~ We'll be watching Cinderella on August 2. haha, excited! Ritz bought the tickets for us. It's a shame that this is the first time that we're watching a Lea Salonga show. Better late than never. haha.
The one with a shield
The venue was low ceiling but i still had to request for either a stair lift or a ladder to help me put up the drapes. I had an assistant (aka our yaya) to help me with stuff but generally i did all the decorations hands on. So moving on, when I got the ladder from Drae, it was so high, I could bang my head on the ceiling with only taking two steps on the ladder. I decided, to be more comfortable with the ladder, to sit on top of it so i have two hands to work on. After circusing going up and down the ladder, sliding it to another side to put on another drape until i've pinned all four. After that, I slid the ladder and i heard a locking sound. You know, the sound that an equipment makes when you lock it so it won't move nor disassemble. When i heard that, i realized that the ladder was not locked all along! My gas!!! I could'nt believe it! With my weight now,I could have easily fallen down. God is so good and He is my shield forever. Thank you Lord!
True to life to ha...hehe. :) Oh and lesson learned, please make sure you learn how something is being assembled or how it should be used before even attempting to use it! waah!
The one with Sarah's birthday
Program started late. I had to go home again to change clothes since i was the one who did the set-up (my first time professionally!) and when i came back at past seven, only a few guests were there. everyone else was stuck in traffic and some were even lost, they were even asking us for a travel guide or a map. haha. We started at 730pm and for crying out loud, i was assigned to be one of the hosts...impromptu! what?!
But still, i had fun last night. it was nice seeing my high school friends whom i have'nt seen in twelve years! i had to go table hopping to chat with them and catch up. After the party, I started feeling muscle pains while I was taking off the drapes. Sarah's dad approached me and thanked me for all the hard work I did and for being the troubleshooter last night. I answered back, "Sir, I havent seen your daughter for five years. I missed her so much so all of these are labor of love" I'm really gonna miss her. I mean, we chat often but seeing her here is more fun. Love you mare!
Oh and before i forget, last night was my first set-up. i had tons of fun preparing for it. When you see guests taking home all your balloons, it can make all the stress go away. And it truly did. I was touched when nothing was left last night. Everyone painstakingly took off the balloons of their choice and some even asked for my number. Yey! But most importantly, Sarah liked the set-up. She did'nt expect it all. More yey! More stories about my first balloon set-up at my main blog.
Pictures to follow as soon as Nap emails them to me. haha.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The one with love parted
I followed their battle on his cancer. About how they went to the US and had a clinical laboratory service in preparation for his treatment. But moreso, I followed Lorna's journey of this. I could not imagine where she drew the strength she had to give. But I know God gave it to her. She was so strong all throughout. When her husband passed away, she was in deep mourning. And I so empathize with her loss.
I pray for rudy's family and Lorna. Their love may have parted in death, but it will forever stay in spirit. God is good all the time.
The one with a funny story
Disclaimer: My BIL is more on the chinese-skin side. He's fairer than simon, much, much fairer. haha. So anyway, when he went to DFA to get his passport, he knew that the passport is ready already and going there to get it will be as easy as 1-2-3. So when it was his turn for an informal interview of the releasing passport personnel (heck, what do you call them?) he was asked about him being chinese. Since our passport system now is kinda strict on nationalities of filipino-chinese. this is how they had the conversation
DFA: So, paano ka naging chinese? (how did you become chinese?)
BIL: Lim ang mommy ko, Tan ang daddy ko. ayan o, nakasulat sa birth certificate ko. (my Mom is Lim and my dad is Tan, it's written in my birth certificate)
DFA: Ilang percent? (how many percent?)
BIL: (sarcastically) 22%! o ano?!
DFA: Mga Filipino citizens ba sila? (Are they filipinos?)
BIL: Ayan o, nakalagay sa marriage certificate namin na NSO certified (There, it's stated in my marriage certificate which is NSO certified)
DFA: Eh bakit ikaw maputi ka kung Filipino ka? (And how come you have fairer skin?)
BIL: EH kasalanan ko ba kung madilim ang kulay mo?! (Can you blame me if yours is dark?)
Hahaha. As in i could imagine him with the sarcastic look in his face. bwahaha. Classic.
Oh and just in case you're wondering, he still got his passport that day. ;)
The one with a stye and colds
I'd also have to give credit to the supplements my mom gave me. And so i thought those were like Hydroxycut fat burner where you'd lose weight when you take it, i thought otherwise. They're just ascorbic acid vitamins, but really effective ones. From now on, I'd take that everyday. It's ironic how i used to work for a division of a pharma company and i'am not a great fan of medicines. I mean, I know they're important, I just don't take them as my primary course of action. I usually try to endure the pain as much as i can and then drink one when i can't anymore. haha.
And now I have a stye. I read it in my egroup and I have one! (very timely) It's really small but it bothers me. My right eye hurt and i'd have to wear sunglasses when outdoor coz i feel like everyone's looking at IT. haha. oh well, i hope this goes off soon. It's enough that i have eyebags, i don't need a stye to make my eyes look puffier. :(
Sunday, June 08, 2008
The one with a family sunday
here are some pics...
The Tans (with some friends whom they saw yesterday)
popsie and simone
when you ask her to pose, this is what she does...cute noh?
But the sweetest part for me was when she was with her her tito chris and tita mercy. She gave more than the usual time she'd allow to be carried by anyone and it's soo cute! I soo love this picture. buti pa sila may family pic, kme tatlo wala. haha
when we went to the hotel, i loved their room. the bed looked like it came from a furniture catalog. it was so big. and the best of all, they got the room for free! goody!
more stories to tell...i love long weekends!
Thursday, June 05, 2008
The one with out of composure
When I mentioned the story to my husband, it was only then that i realized how much proud i should be of my daughter. I mean, at her age, she knows how to ignore bullies like the little boy and how to keep herself composed, while the mommy snaps at the little boy. She did'nt cry at all. She just looked at the boy and the most that she did, was to point at the boy to tell me that he stole her toys. I don't know if it's because she still does'nt know the concept of "getting toys from you tactics" or that she still simply does'nt care. I also don't know if my baby is a pushover (which i hope not) but i'm sure more social skills will manifest in the future years. As of now, i'm just glad as to how she managed to handle such incident. The mommy out of composure, the baby full of composure. hahaha.
Oh and by the way, upon exiting the playroom, I told those working there that the little boy is such a bully and should not be allowed to play with others. haha. could'nt get enough huh?
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
The one with celebrating half a year
We spent the evening with chicken fajitas, pasta, and balloons which i made for him. we used the mini-pillar i made as background for pictures. haha. Plus, we got to meet again Jason, my SIL kookie's bf. at least, last night was way, way better than the first meeting. haha. love you bebs!
And now, we're planning on an overnight stay at Legend Villas this month in celebration of Achie's birthday con family get-together. It's not the St. John Villa rentals type, but Popsie got a free accommodations at Legend Villas which was the same room we got during jane's bridal shower party. We're pretty excited about i!
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
The one with tv exposure
We missed watching it on tv at Unang Hirit. Good thing, my friend michelle has a business on video clips etc(come to think of it, i actually don't know what they do, hehe), she was able to save a file for us.
Hindi naman nagpapasabing ang gulo ng hair ko! haha. oh and ang taba ko sa TV. hahaha. as if naman payat. but my baby is a charmer talaga! ang telegenic! haha. we have one more segment to wait for.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
The one with missing a chance?
The statement made me think. What was that all about? Did i just turn down a good chance? Did I decide on something that would make me regret it in the future? From the time I resigned from work, I probably had about ten calls from other companies. (I did'nt even send resumes) I think they have some kind of an "insider HR" that has a list of all employees who just resigned. haha. My point, I just don't want to label these as missed chances or missed opportunities. I want to call them "my life's choices". It was a choice, a very good one indeed. I chose be a hands-on mom for the first few years of her life; I chose to do something outside the norms of the corporate world, something that i've been dreaming and wanting for the longest time; I chose to find other ways that could make me earn; we chose to sacrifice things that we want but really don't need in order to make our ends meet and save up for simone.
Everything in life is a choice. We make our mornings bright because we choose to be happy today. We snap on something that annoys us because we choose not to like that something or someone. We cry because we choose something and it did'nt turn out the way we wanted it.
Make everyday a day of choices that will make you happy and make God glad and if you do that, you won't miss out any chance, you will make your life's choice happen. :)
The one with part one
It was a long day. I was one of the facilitators and praise God, despite of spontaneous and surprised assignments, we were able to pull it off. God is good! Ninang Emma asked me to facilitate the first game. They all had a great time I guess, one of the pastors even commented that he was surprised to see me facilitate well and they kept asking already for suggestions as to how to facilitate next week's seminar. Praise God, at least He was able to use my college background as a medium to facilitate the seminar.
There were lots of information on praise and worship, lots of role playing, was able to meet new friends and was able to bond with the old-time members. i miss spending time with them. everyone surrendered things that they think can hinder them from giving their time for the Lord and at the same time offered what they can offer to God. Everyone left with a powered worship heart.
Til next saturday!